
Patronage Michael Maul, Intendant of the Bach Festival of the City of Leipzig

“It is an honor for me to be able to accompany your great project “BACH – listening with the eyes” as patron.

For me it was an overwhelming revelation not only to hear with my ears, but at the same time to see with my eyes how polyphonic and multi-layered Bach’s music is.

I am sure that this particular way of visually listening to sounds and texts accomplishes two things brilliantly: On the one hand, the approach allows the hearing impaired to immerse themselves in the magical world of Bach’s cantatas for the first time without barriers. On the other hand, it also opens the door for people with healthy auditory canals into a world in which the unique interaction of refined musical forms and strong textual images is revealed in a very special way. I am therefore very pleased that we will be bringing your project to the big stage at the Bachfest Leipzig 2020.

All the more I wish you and your undertaking a broad resonance and strong financial partners. I am of the opinion, without any reservation, that with this project you are embarking on a path that can lead to a new understanding and holistic communication of Bach’s music.

Enthusiastic and deeply moved greetings

Your Michael Maul”

Patron Prof. Dr. Michael Fuchs, Head of the Section of Phoniatrics and Audiology at the University Hospital Leipzig, Medical Director of the Cochlear Implant Center Leipzig

“It is a great pleasure for me, an inner need and joy at the same time, to take over a patronage of the project “BACH – hearing with the eyes”.

The project combines in a wonderful and unique way the music of Johann Sebastian Bach with a very special performance practice: signs of the German sign language, gestures and pantomimic and dance elements merge with the singing and the music.

For me, as a medical doctor who deals with the clinical care of hearing-impaired people and with the music-medical treatment of singers and instrumentalists, this holistic approach is very familiar. It enables both hearing-impaired people to participate much more intensively in the music of Bach and hearing-impaired people to experience the aesthetics of gestures and gestures, thus expanding their perception of music by at least one dimension. In addition, the inclusion of signs opens up fascinating possibilities for making music with children and young people.

I would like to expressly support the project very much and wish you and your team resonance with the audience and success in financing and realizing the project.”

Patronage of the former Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz

Greetings follow…

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